We’re passionate about training leaders and leadership teams in under-reached and under-resourced places so that rather than feeling isolated and overwhelmed, they can be strengthened and encouraged as they minister in challenging contexts. For over 20 years we’ve been identifying, equipping and developing leaders to change their communities with the hope of Jesus.
Understanding and demonstrating impact is critical and an area that was identified as an opportunity for improvement. Developing the breadth and depth of our data collection will enable Innovista to better show how we are living out our purpose and to identify and address areas of weakness.
That’s why, in the summer of 2021, we set out on a journey with our partner, Eido Research, to create a Learning and Impact system that would help us answer these questions:
Having been successful in seeking funding, we were able to start the Learning and Impact project in November 2021. We are in the process of going live with the system, using the Impact Atlas real-time monitoring and evaluation platform (an app that a leader can access on their phone); measuring attitudes, skills and behaviour against a set of agreed success factors. And we’re excited to share this with you before we launch.
We have intentionally created this system to enable us to give better feedback to you; those funding – or considering funding – our programmes. This is what we think it will deliver: