
Many leaders are wounded and tired

Leadership can be lonely and difficult, which is why Innovista Moldova is running retreats for Christian leaders, so that they can rest, recharge and spend time listening to God.
Young people praying in Moldova
Many leaders are wounded and tired physically and spiritually. They needed new powers, and encouragement in their ministries.

Good leadership involves seeing the needs around you, and developing ways to address them. That’s what Maricela, our National Director in Moldova, did this summer. She could tell that many leaders were struggling, after many months (if not years) of serving others and receiving little in return. Knowing that leadership can be lonely and difficult, she created a solution.

In collaboration with another local Christian ministry, called Înainte Moldova, Maricela organised a leadership retreat in July. For three days, 12 youth leaders gathered together for a time of refreshment. They came from five different churches across different denominations, but with a common sense of exhaustion and discouragement.

They ran the retreat in the beautiful town of Vatra, near Chişinău. Their purpose was to create a warm atmosphere where participants could rest in the presence of God, refresh their intimacy with him, and strengthen their power in him. Maricela also wanted the participants to enjoy fellowship, and encourage each other. She ran a number of workshops including My Identity in God, Restoration of the Human Spirit and The Father’s Heart. They spent a lot of time studying and meditating on the Bible, and in private and corporate prayer.

“The retreat time was very welcome and blessed for me, when I could rest in God’s presence, listen to his voice and order my thoughts to his will. It was such a helpful time because I had the chance to listen to experienced and dedicated workers of God. I also would like for other workers in my church to attend this kind of activity, I am sure it would be helpful for them too. Thank you so much for so wonderful opportunity to stay close to God apart from the busy schedule that usually we have.” Jana – a youth leader in Moldova since 2006

The chance to rest had a huge impact on each of these men and women. One said that they had never experienced such closeness with God before. Building relationships with others in the same type of role encouraged them all. Everyone left with a renewed vision for the ministry God had called them to.

What might be the impact on Moldova’s youth in the year ahead, with re-energised and focussed youth leaders serving in five local churches?

Please pray for these leaders to be even more effective in serving their local communities, and bringing hope in Jesus’ name to the young people around them. THANK YOU for supporting Maricela and these young leaders by investing in Innovista.

About Innovista

Supporting leaders where they're needed most.

Innovista identifies, equips and develops Christian leaders working in challenging locations. Every year, we train and mentor around 1,500 leaders in Britain, Ireland, Moldova, Ukraine, Central Asia and beyond. We help leaders transform people and communities through churches, ministries and enterprises. Inspired by Jesus, we equip leaders to build a better world.